What kind of data is being sent from my batteries and docks to Newcastle?
The following information is sent to the Newcastle server:
- information about the battery hardware
- information about the battery's performance
- information about the dock containing the battery
- information provided by the customer (any information entered into the mobile app or on the Newcastle asset tracking portal)
The following information is NOT sent:
- information about the device being powered by the battery/dock
- information about the users of the devices being powered by the battery/dock
- information, about the location of the battery/dock, that is NOT provided by the user
Can an attacker access my or my organization's computer(s) and network(s) through the connection that is used to send battery/dock data up to the cloud?
No -- the data transfer is triggered only by the battery/dock; the cloud server cannot initiate a connection. Each data transfer is a single transaction -- the connection is closed after the battery/dock receives a reply from the server. The next transfer will open a new connection.
Who at Newcastle can see my data and what can they see?
A small group of Newcastle employees can see:
- the information you provide during the account sign-up process, including email and name
- the information transmitted by the batteries and docks
- the information about docks that you provide (e.g. Division and Facility)
Can other customers or companies see my data?
No. The data presented to you via the mobile application or the web dashboard is specific to your account, which requires you to authenticate.
What do I do if I want to remove my data from Newcastle's storage?
Reach out to your Newcastle sales contact.